What is Low Acid Coffee and How to Make It – 2023 Guide

img source: roastycoffee.com

Coffee is a berry, and sourness is a normal part of the taste of fruits growing in the tropics.
Acidity is one of the main characteristics of this beverage, assessed during tasting. It is she who is responsible for the richness of taste and the characteristic enchanting aroma of the drink, sets off notes of sweetness, soft bitterness, makes it possible to appreciate the variety of taste nuances of varieties of different regions and growing conditions of coffee trees.

Types of coffee acidity

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There are about 30 different types of acids in coffee beans. In the broadest classification, they are divided into four groups:

Citrus. Shades of orange, lemon, grapefruit. Appears first in the berry.

Apple. Kiwi, gooseberry, light green apples and limes. Formed in the process of grain ripening.

Grape (acetic) acid. Adds wine notes. Synthesized in overripe or long-stored coffee.

Orthophosphoric acid. Coffee beans absorb it from the phosphorus-rich soil. Adds astringency and light cola flavor to the drink.

Most often, grains contain all types of acids in different proportions. In order for coffee to be highly appreciated by Q-graders, it is not the degree of acidity that is important, but the balance: a harmonious taste without pronounced bitterness.

The Health Benefits of drinking Low-Acid Coffee

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For very long-time doctors, nutritionists and dietitians have alluded to the fact that low-acid coffee has several health benefits. It is great for people who have a mild stomach and frequently suffer from gastro issues. Many also point out that at a certain age (above 60 years old), the one with a high acid content can be dangerous for health. This is why low-acid coffee is perfect for senior citizens and the elderly. There have been several studies, which have been made linking low-acid coffee aa something, which does not contribute to insomnia.

Doctors point out that people who are lactose intolerant or suffer from Celiac disease should also opt for low-acid coffee. People who suffer from intestinal inflammation also referred to as Crohn’s disease should stay away from coffee with high acidic content. If you are someone who loves the way you look or are in the glamour industry, you might want to stay away from high acidic coffee, which can spoil your teeth and enamel. Dental hygiene can be maintained by drinking, which has low levels of acidity.

What determines the sour taste of coffee?

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Almost all arabica has a noble sourness of varying intensity in its taste. There is no sourness in Robusta. There are, of course, exceptions: washed robusta from Guatemala growing on volcanic soils or slightly sour varieties from Nicaragua. It is the Arabica varieties that give the acidity and richness of taste to the blends; Robusta is responsible for the strength and density.


img source: slate.com

The higher the coffee trees grow, the more intense and expressive the sour taste of the beans. The most valuable varieties are high-altitude Arabica species such as Ethiopia’s Bale Mountain or Kenya AA Mount. In conditions of high mountains and low oxygen content, the ripening of berries lasts longer, as a result, the taste and smell of such coffee are more intense, the acidity is brighter. If we focus on the nature of collection and processing, then washed coffee exhibits more pronounced sour notes than traditional refined coffee.


img source: kauaicoffee.com

Caramelizing the sugar mutes the sour taste of the drink. Therefore, the darker the beans are roasted, the weaker the sourness and the stronger the bitterness is felt. But with light roasting, most of the organic acids are retained inside the grain and, when brewed, passes directly into the drink, transferring to it the entire rich palette of flavor nuances. High-quality beans are only light to medium roasted in order to form a mild acidity with a flavor characteristic of each variety and to maximize all descriptors.

Cooking method

img source: bonappetit.com

Most harmoniously and fully all the notes of grains, including acidity, are revealed in espresso. The closest thing to it is coffee from a Turkish or French press. To appreciate all the nuances of taste in a drink prepared in a kemex, pourover, drip coffee maker, it is better to choose light roasted beans.

How to make low acid coffee

  1. Grind the coffee beans coarsely. The best choice would be the low acid coffee beans which you can find at MyFriendsCoffee. When using the cold brewing method, you need to soak the ground coffee particles for a long time, just like when brewing in a French press. Due to this, you will get a much more balanced taste if you grind the beans coarsely.

The French Press setting on most grinders will give adequate results.

  1. Stir the ground coffee and water in a glass jar. After coarsely grinding the coffee, add 1/3 cup (80 ml) grounds to a clean glass jar. Fill the jar with 1.5 cups (350 ml) room temperature water. Stir the grounds in the water until they are thoroughly filled with water.
  2. Cover the jar and let it brew for 12 hours. Place the lid on the glass jar and let the ground coffee soak in the water for about 12 hours at room temperature. This slow release of acidity results in a rich, mildly concentrated coffee that is about 70% less acidic than hot brewed coffee.
  3. Strain the mixture through a coffee filter. To remove cold brew grounds, pour the mixture through the filter located above the jug or pot. Your fresh cold coffee is brewed, low acid one can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.
  4. Prepare chilled coffee from the concentrate. To make a cold one with a fresh batch of low acidity coffee concentrate, simply mix equal parts cold water and coffee concentrate in a glass.

Add ice to the glass, then sweeteners and milk, if desired.

  1. Prepare hot coffee using a cold brew batch. Of course, you can also make it using a coffee-concentrate. To do this, fill half a mug with coffee-concentrate. Fill the rest of the mug with boiling water. Thus, you will prepare a cup of coffee, normal strength and comfortable temperature for drinking.