Ketosis is a quick and effective way to lose weight and requires that you decrease your carbohydrate intake while increasing your fat intake. The science behind ketosis is that when you reduce the carbohydrate levels, you reduced the sugar that the body would use for fuel. The body is therefore forced to turn to the fat stored in it to get fuel.
If you follow the diet strictly, you should be able to go into ketosis within 48 hours. Consume about 20 grams of carbohydrates only per day. If you do not have that high level of discipline, you are allowed to increase the carbohydrates to 50 grams per day. Do not exceed that level; otherwise, you will not be able to go into ketosis. If you are on a 50 grams per day diet, your body should be able to go into ketosis within three days.
Is the process easy? No, it is not, but with the right level of discipline, you should be able to achieve this healthy way of losing weight. Often, people who are new to Keto start with a more relaxed version of the diet called “Lazy Keto”. It offers more freedom with food choices, making it perfect for beginners. If you don’t know how to get started, SideChef recommends turning to lazy keto meal options that are quick, easy, and delicious. The best part is that these recipes will help you stay on track even when your schedule is packed. We will share with you the ten healthiest ways to get into ketosis without putting your body at risk.
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1. Reduce the Amount of Carbohydrates You Take
Reducing the amount of carbohydrates is not as simple as deciding to eat two slices of bread instead of the usual 3. Carefully calculate how much carbohydrate you consume in a day. If you do not, you will still have very high levels of sugar in your blood which will counter the ketosis effect.
2. Increase the Uptake of Healthy Fats
Increasing the uptake of fat may seem like a sure way to put on more weight, but it is a very effective way to reach ketosis. Your body will need a healthy source of fat, and that is why you are encouraged to increase your uptake of healthy fats.
Pump your brakes for a second though; we are in no way saying that you should make the fried fast food joint your meal source. Eat fats but only healthy fats, avoid saturated fats if you can, and concentrate on the unsaturated ones. The cold pressed oils are the best.
You can get your fat and oil supply from butter, coconut, avocado oil, olive oil among others. You will see the benefits of eating fats when you get the keto flu which occurs during the initial phases of kurtosis.
3. Test Your Ketone Levels.
To know whether or not your body is in ketosis, you will need to test your ketone levels. You can use their ketone urine strips to check the levels. Initially, you can do it once or twice a day but wants your body goes into full ketosis you do not need to do it every day.
4. Stock Up On Supplements
One of the benefits of keto supplements is that they encourage fat storage which is necessary for the production of energy by increasing the amount of ketones in your body.
5. Include MCT’s in Your Diet
Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) will work wonders for your diet. They are not the easiest types of fats to get in food, but you can buy them in the form of supplements. Unlike other fats, once they enter your bloodstream, your body will metabolize them very quickly and easily convert them into energy.
6. Be Physically Active
When you’re on a Ketogenic diet, you will achieve the best results if you combine physical activity into your routine. Not only will you lose weight, but your body and mind will feel so much better. However, during the initial period, you will not have as much energy because your body is still adjusting to the diet change.
Do not give up though, because this only lasts for about two weeks. When you’re starting, take it easy and only gradually increase your workout when your body feels right. The best thing about exercising is that it will remove any glycogen or glucose so that your body can turn to the ketones for energy.
7. Balance Your Protein Intake
The Ketogenic diet allows you to eat protein, but it in moderation. Protein is important for the overall functioning of the body as well as muscle repair. However, some carbs will be leftover as the body breaks down protein into amino acids resulting in glucose in your blood, so be very careful about the amount of protein you consume.
If in doubt about how to measure the amount of protein, consult your dietician. Otherwise, you will not achieve ketosis.
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8. Include Fasting In the Diet
Fasting will help your body flush out toxins and increase metabolism. It will also help your body get into ketosis faster. Your body can flush out glucose in about two days which is great for ketosis. Read more about fasting here.
But, if you’re a beginner, you may want to avoid this part altogether because it’ll make it hard for you to stick to the diet.
9. Skip Breakfast
Skipping breakfast will allow your body to go into ketosis quickly. You can try and exercise instead of taking breakfast so that you flash out any glucose in your body.
10. Know when to eat
Do not eat for the sake of eating and remember that you will crave certain foods because you are not allowed to eat them. Secondly, the Ketogenic diet will sometimes suppress your diet, and you feel less hungry. Know when to eat and always make sure that you get the right amount of food into your body.
Drinking water is beneficial because one of the side effects of ketosis is the need to urinate frequently. You will lose electrolytes which can be harmful to the body. Making sure that your body is well hydrated at all times is therefore very important for your overall health.
Final thoughts
Ketosis is not a simple journey, but it is achievable. So go ahead, use our tips above and start your ketosis journey.